Growing up

credits alite7@deviantart

Recently almost ever quiet moment I gave myself, I always found myself replaying thoughts of my careers. Seeing big vision of me succeeding in everything I laid my hands too and yet there were time I dreamed of failing.

Even thou some adult seems to be impress yet doubtful in my decision, saying it's a profession job. A job that is needed by all. A job that find great allowance and that only bring back to the main reason why I chose it in the first place - Great allowance.

Seriously, deep inside of me, aside from great allowance, I too would like to have a career which one desire. One in which I have interest in and one in which I have to fight for. Doubts will always be there. Stress is something everyone will face. Upset, bitch fight, anger, unfairness, used, unappreciated, uptight, disappointment; is just the way of life.

Is this a part of growing up; to think into the future ? Is this how one would feel like? I hate it. I hate it as it's eats me alive. Making me afraid to face the future. Filing my inside with doubts. Yet there is a small part inside of me feeling proud. Telling me I've take one step to adulthood. Giving me hope and thoughts of taking a new challenge. And I know this for sure, cause I have my God inside of me.

Heavenly Father, thank you for being there when I need you thou sometimes I doubt that you ever listens. I might disappoint you just like how I disappoint my earthly father, but your grace and favors has always shines upon me. Thur this stage of growing up, I pray that you will lead me to your plans. Plans that you have for me that would prosper me. Plans that would give me hope and peace in the future as I know with you my God, everything is possible