Today's bits : THURSDAYS !

Yes, Yes I know ever since I started Twitting, I had begin to abandon my blog.
But currently, I really need to go on hiatus.
Will be back whenever wherever
Just follow me at Twitter if you want to catch my craps!

By the way,

Nothing seems to go my way on THURSDAYS . As if I'm jinx every THURSDAYS . And not to mention, living with idiotic people every THURSDAYS is seriously making me sick. Especially THURSDAYS at school, when only my class got to stay till 1.45 pm while other retards got to go home and stuff their freaking faces with joy! How I hate THURSDAYS and I hope that THURSDAYS will come once in the life time. I HATE THURSDAYS!

Sorry. I'm done bitchy. You can go now. Bye!

Thursday grr!