Today's bits : CC is back

Ola, I'm back ! Miss me ? I know you do.

So taa-dah, I break my own record for not blogging for a week. Not to mention twittering too. I know, shocking right :O And beside twitter is being bitchy. Hmpf ! Try updating when your twitter can't even load. Damn wtf right? Too much twittering people ! Your damaging that freaking web. Grr, how I wish I got a pda phone. Sigh!

Anyways, you guys are so gonna count the days when I'm back to activating this blog . In need to pick up those books and kick start my brain for this up coming trials. Yes, trials I say. Shocking to even see me here crapping blogging right. Please keep me in prayer fellow readers. And beside, I'm giving out to much luve. You guys need to start to learn to miss me and I'm glad to give you that opportunities to start learning now :)

Till this girl is still alive, will be back whenever wherever. So adios, amigos